Louisiana Purchase Real Estate & Development

Modular Home Development

Louisiana Purchase Real Estate & Development LLC is a state licensed developer and seller of modular houses and office buildings in Louisiana.  Modular houses are built in factories and shipped in two pieces.  They are reassembled on site and resemble a typical 1940’s south Louisiana raised cottage with porch and white trim.

Louisiana Purchase Real Estate & Development

Louisiana Purchase Real Estate & Development

Louisiana Purchase Real Estate & Development LLC offers full service acquisition and logistics for the the purchase and construction of modular homes and offices. 

State-of-the-Art Developments

State-of-the-Art Developments

In 2014, Jak Kunstler and Susannah Bing started Louisiana Purchase Real Estate & Development, LLC, which is subsidiary of KNS Works, LLC, and is state licensed to develop and sell modular houses and office buildings in Louisiana. Kunstler and Bing’s business model is unlike any other in the state for this type of housing product. We are the company to help you get your dream home or office. We are real estate agent, project manager, contractor and designer.